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Friday, January 28, 2011
Spicejet earlier recommended around Rs.86 which is currently trading
around Rs.65 .Since there is sharp increase in the price of ATF which
will adversely affect its profitability recommending to book loss at
current price.
Sir what is your view on SPICEJET now? A probable turnaround case with so many favourable conditions....Please guide me? Holding @22 levels...want to increase my holding but need your view before doing so...Sir I have a view of 3-5 years minimum... thanks.
Sir what is your view on SPICEJET now? A probable turnaround case with so many favourable conditions....Please guide me? Holding @22 levels...want to increase my holding but need your view before doing so...Sir I have a view of 3-5 years minimum...
Sir,what is your view on spicejet lossses right now? i have brought the shares @90 and dont know whether to hold or sell.