Monday, December 10, 2012


For old posting about this company click HERE


Sri Gundavaram V. Bhaskar Rao, Chairman and the Managing Director, Kaveri Seed Company Ltd., Andhra Pradesh is a technocrat with business acumen.  Agricultural family background and nurtured interest in farming destined him to become a graduate in Agriculture from College of Agriculture of the Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University now ANGRAU, Hyderabad in the year 1974.
As a seed entrepreneur, Sri Rao was instrumental to startup seed production programme of public bred hybrids & varieties of corn, bajra, sunflower and paddy in family owned farmland. In a couple of years time, established a seed processing plant to augment quality seed production with brand name of a proprietary concern- G.V.B Rao & Company. It soon became a partnership concern with MNCs producing contract quality seed. In a step wise accretion, the company grew over the years under his stewardship and registered as Kaveri Seed Company Pvt. Ltd. in 1986.The  growth in seed business  of Kaveri expanded the scope of the Company not only to produce and market seeds but also other agri-products – micronutrients, plant growth regulators biofertilizers and biopesticides. Both seed and agri-products of Kaveri brand carved a niche in the Indian market. Within two decades, Kaveri Seed Company scaled new heights in seed and agribusiness and became a listed Company in the year 2007.  The company’s image received a big boost by figuring in “Forbes Asia Best Under A Billion – The region’s Top 200 Small & Midsize Companies. It did hatrick by re-enlisting successively by Forbes   in 2011 and 2012 too .The leadership in Sri Rao won recognition by the fellow seeds men of A.P and he was elected as President of AP. Seedsmen Association for two consecutive terms
 Q1)      What are your company’s future plans?
 Kaveri Seed Company is committed to march ahead in its core seed and agri- product business. The company has plans to consolidate recently established lead in cotton, pearl millet and maize and carve a niche in vegetable seed and export market .It also intends to scale up their position in rice and sunflower Hybrid rice with huge market potential is the next major attraction for the Company’s business. The company’s thrust  is on “Development of Biotic resistant Rice through conjunct use of Bio and Hybrid technologies”  and “Marker-assisted dissection of genetic basis of yield and improving yield potential under drought stress in Maize”.  The Company is laying emphasis on high value olericulture by way of protective cultivation of premium vegetables and culinary herbs.  KEXVEG (Kaveri Exotic Vegetables) is our initiative in this direction.
 Q2)       What are your new products?
 The company reins enviably in its product portfolio – both in number and performance. The Company’s premier BT cotton hybrids – Jaadoo, Jackpot, ATM, singha & Barood  bajra hybrids -Super Boss & Fouzi  are  now  in the forefront of seed market and in the farmer’s fields. Sampada (red gram) Sampoorna, Super Sona & KPH 9090 (paddy) have created niche markets. Based on National Evaluation process, the ICAR has identified Company’s maize hybrids -KMH 25K60, KMH 3712 KMH 218+  and KMH 3426  Four paddy hybrids excelled in National trials In a similar vein, X 563 (Bajra) and KSH 950 (Jowar) are the hybrids of promise and likely to hit the market soon. In Sunflower the hybrids Sunkranti,  and Champ are in the demand in rain fed and irrigated areas.  Success has also been achieved in vegetable breeding; Significant progress has been made in breeding  for yellow vein mosaic virus (YVMV) resistant okra hybrids.
Q3)      How has this season been for your company?
Since KSCL is committed to quality at different stages of production, testing and processing, the demand for its products is on the rise, so the company has done well in spite of delayed monsoon.  This vouches for the genetic buffering capacity (Homeostasis )of its products to weather aberrations.
Q4)      Do you recommend any policy changes from the government?
Seed industry should be given the status of preferred industry by the Government. Policy support from the Govt. by way of encouragement to investment in research and infrastructure; minimal regulation and compliance; freedom to operate based on free market principles
 Q5)   Is power crisis impacting the seed industry?
Yes; since agriculture cannot wait, seed should be available to the farmers at the right time, in required quantity and desired quality to meet the food demand of the people.  The irregular supply and power cuts  derail all the operations of the seed industry including production leading to seed scarcity and eventually to food crises.
Q6)      It is said that India will become future hub for seed production of the       world. Your comments on that?
Availability of arable land, varied agro climate, congenial environment for seed production of diverse crops, trained manpower, skilled labour backed by a vibrant seed industry fifth largest in the world, certainly India has the imminent potential to become a global seed hub
Q7) What do you see the potential for paddy seed and maize seed in Indian seed   industry?
 Rice and maize are two important food basket crops along with wheat and their stagnant production and productivity makes the country food insecure. . The decline in yield gain for these crops is of great concern. Nevertheless, the R&D capabilities of seed Industry, as well pro business policy environment to support their growth, will significantly contribute to productivity gains in these two major crops. After Bt cotton, next growth driver of hope for industry is hybrid rice.
 Courtesy : Gubba Cold Storage Ltd

Disc : I have vested interest in KSCL


  1. Sir, what do you think about Asahi India Glass?

    1. Expecting only range bound movement in medium term.

  2. sir

    can you plz advice about your previous recomendations like asahi songhwon,alphageo,bs transcomm,pioneer invest,sance trans and veljan.

    also inviting your views on manjushree technopack.


    1. Business environment for sectors in which these companies are operating is still not out of woods.So not expecting any sharp movement in near term but if you have enough patience may add in small lot but don't put the entire amount in in single go.

  3. Dear Sir,
    What is your view on Indraprastha Gas - both short term and long term?

  4. Sir,

    Kindly let me your views on Basant Agro Tech. Is it worth buying at current market price of Rs.5/-

  5. Sir, as a solution for not being able to buy scripts by retail investors, please post your recommendations by Friday Noon (if possible).

    1. Due to many reasons it is not practical.Moreover ,please don't take it like 'TIPS'. Before taking any decision do some homework and get convinced .For that purpose there is enough time only in trading holidays for many of you .
      Am I right ?

    2. Retail investors not being able to buy is due to punters/short term opportunist/ operators (may be).

      These people exists any time. So, I don't think changing the recommendation day will help.

      It all because this blog has become very very popular and one of the top hits on blogspot.

  6. Hello Sir,

    Are you tracking "Jayaswal Neco Industries Ltd".
    I have position in this @30. Shall I hold or exit ?


  7. Dear VP Sir,

    Like to know your views about Sabero Organics at this pont of time . Can we buy it in dips for long term ?

    Boby K Paul , Bangalore

    1. As far as my understanding ,nothing has changed to affect its fundamentals negatively .Still positive for long term

  8. what are your views on nelco.
    thanks in advance


    1. Need some strong initiative by management to scale up the business.

  9. Sir,
    Your thoughts about Orient Bell at current price?


  10. sir, are you tracking marksans farma and lords chemiccals
