It has an equity capital of just 3 crore and promoters are holding 46 %. Recently main promoter is actively buying from open market to increase his stake. Due to sharp crash in lead prices company has posted a loss of 2.2 crore in FY 08-09,where it posted 6.5 crore profit in 07-08.Now lead prices improved sharply and due to this company posted an EPS of Rs.10/- in December qtr. Adding the small loss posted in first qtr company posted 9 month EPS of 14.47 and expected to continue good performance in last qtr too .Considering the company’s recent capacity addition and improvement in the price of it products due to the recovery in global economy, it is expected to post excellent results ahead and post an EPS around Rs.25/- for the full year .
Recently, in a verdict to settle the legal dispute between GMM Pfaudler, Andra Pradesh high court directed GMM to sell all the acquired shares of NILE (as part of its takeover attempt) in open market within a period of 48 months. Watching the counter of NILE, it is evident that someone is trying to keep the share price at lower level. This may be an attempt by the management of NILE to buy the shares at lower level when GMM started selling in the market Keep an eye on the bulk deal data and quarterly share holding pattern to enter into the scrip at appropriate time.Currently it is quoting around Rs.115/-
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