fabrication sector in India. It has operations in five states
with 13 units with most modern facilities like CNC Laser

CNC 5- Axis 3D Lazer Machine,Moving Column Milling
Centre ..etc. Company’s growth is closely associated
with the growth in infrastructure sector. Its main
customers are from sectors like Power, Automotive,
Telecommunication , Railway .etc. Major companies like
L&T ,Ingersoll Rand are the customers of Rishi and it also
processing orders from abroad. Last year company started
two units- one in Bangalore and other in Savli.To cater
the demand from Railway related sectors company started
a new unit in Pune too.At present ,almost all sectors
using the service of Rishi Laser returned to growth path.
So the company is ready to reap the benefits of the boom
in these sectors. Last year company posted a loss of 1.5
crore on a sale of 115 crore.For the nine month ended
December 2009 Rishi laser posted 88 crore sales and
almost nil profit /loss . Company is expected to return to
black on full year basis and post better results in next FY.
Currently it is quoting at 58/-
Thumbs Up !!
ReplyDeleteRajesh Jhunjhunwala also holds it ..
Buy blindly ..
PURELY Operator driven counter.! So it can make or break the fortunes of a retail investor.. Buy but after considering the risk elements..